Why You Should Speak up and Share Abortion Stories

Abortion stories websites

The recent hashtag event on Twitter took abortion to a trend which is a rare case on any social media platform. Some of the Hollywood and other renown celebrities spoke of their abortion stories on social media. This has reportedly helped many women feel better and not alone in the chaos created by society. Be it medical abortion or surgical abortion, the process of terminating an unplanned pregnancy is indeed difficult for any woman. The reason why abortion is always done in hush-hush is due to society’s perception.

This blog talks about why talking about abortion is necessary. Following are some of the reasons which explain why you should be open about the abortion procedure and speak up in public.

It’s not a shameful act:

Today’s society needs to understand the fact that ending an unintended pregnancy is perfectly normal and there’s nothing shameful. No woman wants to purposefully end her pregnancy. The situations around her make her do it until she is ready to start a family.

I’m with you:

When you tell share your abortion story, you are indirectly telling hundreds of women out there who may be feeling alone in their pregnancy termination procedure. You can give emotional support to other women who are seeking safe abortion procedures. Undergoing a medical termination of pregnancy is never easy, however, if you know somebody out there has done it successfully, it gives you confidence that you can also come out it.


When you speak up through online platforms, you can reach out to may women who are struggling to get a pregnancy termination procedure. Especially women who can’t afford a surgical abortion can be given abortion information and how they can end the unplanned pregnancy using abortion pills.

Feel Better:

When you reach out to your partner and share the pregnancy termination situation, you may find him helping you in this situation. If not the partner, you can even tell your loved ones about your story of terminating an unplanned pregnancy. When you are emotionally strong during abortion, it helps you recover faster from the procedure. In the case of medical abortion, it typically takes two weeks to recover from the procedure and get back to your regular life.

After abortion care:

The procedure of medical pregnancy termination does not end just by consuming the abortion medication. You have to go through a phase where you encounter cramping and bleeding.

This entry was posted in abortion pills, During Abortion Care and tagged abortion pills, Abortion stories, Emotional Support, medical abortion, mtp kit online, pregnancy termination, Share Abortion News .