Accessibility of Abortion Medication in the World

The modern woman of today’s world has different priorities. Getting pregnant at a point in time when things don’t seem right can put you in an unplanned and depressing situation. To get out of such unplanned pregnancy situation, women choose medical abortion where they can buy abortion pills and end the pregnancy. It has become easier to find abortion pill in the USA after the regulating bodies getting lenient with rules of pregnancy termination. However, in the other parts of the world, women are missing out on the most important part, abortion information.

Although the process is simple, getting medications at the nearest medical store is not easy in every part of the world. Hence, women generally look out for online abortion pill options.


Posted in abortion pills, pregnancy | Tagged abortion access, Abortion in world, best place to buy mtp kit online, medical abortion, Online abortion pills

What Is The Ideal Age To Get Pregnant?

The availability of contraception has helped women to control and plan their pregnancy age as per their needs. Recent studies suggest that the number of age is shifting to 30s from the early 20s as it was before.

Since you can buy Ovral online through online pharmacies, the use of online pharmacies for birth control has increased. Subsequently, the demand for safe abortion pills online has also increased. Woman do not feel ready for a family in their 20’s but end up with an unwanted pregnancy due to unprotected sexual intercourse or failure of contraception. In such cases, they buy MTP kit or similar abortion pills and end their pregnancy at home.

Since medical abortion is an affordable option and does not affect future pregnancies, it is the most preferred method to end an early unwanted pregnancy.

The quality of eggs declines as you age. Risks and complications in the pregnancy too increase as you age toward your 40’s. Hence, most women prefer having a baby in their later 20’s. However, the priorities of women are strongly changing these days and career and financial stableness is given more importance than starting a family.

There’s no specific age that can be determined as the best age to get pregnant. However, this blog explains how pregnancy at different age looks like.

When you are 20+

This age is considered as a most fertile phase of women as they have more chances of getting pregnant during this time. Not only the quality of eggs is high, but the number of risks during this time is also the lowest.

When you are 30+

This is neither the worse not the best age to get pregnant. The quality of eggs gradually declines around the time of 32-33. The speed of this decline may speed up in women after 35.

By the age of 37, women approximately have 25,000 eggs left in them.

After 35, women may face problems in their pregnancy or the complications in the child. Hence, the doctor advised taking more caution and care if you happen to get pregnant.

When you are 40+

The decline in the fertility is steep when you cross 40. The quality of eggs changes and eggs tend to have chromosome complications which eventually leads to a birth defect.

Though the quality of eggs is low and the chances of pregnancy after 40 is very low, there are cases of women who have had a healthy child even in their early 40s’. That said, the complications involved in the births cannot be ignored. After the woman crosses her 40 age, she faces the following complication in her pregnancy.

birth defects
premature birth
C-section delivery
low birth weight

It is advised to consult your doctor for your pregnancy planning. If your body has contradictions for a healthy pregnancy, you may have to try early to increase the chances of getting pregnant. The problems such as PCOS or other reproductive health issues create complications in the pregnancy. Reaching out to health experts, gynecologists as soon as possible can help solve the problem.

Posted in online pharmacy, pregnancy | Tagged buy MTP kit, Unwanted Pregnancy

How does a woman’s body change during pregnancy?

Pregnancy phase is not just about a woman’s belly growing. There are many other changes taking place in her body. Right from her breast to even her rental system changes.

In the first trimester, There isn’t much development in the pregnancy. When you understand your news of the pregnancy, if it is in the first trimester, it is perhaps the best time to decide if you should continue the pregnancy or not. To end an unwanted pregnancy, you can get safe abortion pills online easily and perform an abortion.

You must not abort it through medical method since the pregnancy develops faster in the second and third trimester. We’ll see how does a woman’s body change during pregnancy.


The uterus enlarges itself during pregnancy. It gets twisted to the right side of a woman’s body. From 50g the uterus expands to 1 kg during this time. Women encounter increased blood flow to the cervix.


When you conceive, the pH levels in the vagina changes. It is one of the reasons behind pregnant women having more risks of thrush.

The respiratory system:

The chest cage shape and size changes when you get pregnant. As a result, the respiratory system changes. The use of oxygen while breathing increases. At times, it puts a pressure and shortness of breath is experienced by women.

The gastrointestinal system:

The enlarged uterus during the pregnancy results in risen up and out of your pelvic cavity. This further displaces your stomach, intestines and other organs in the abdominal area. It slows down your digestion resulting in constipation and flatulence.

The renal system:

The kidneys and the bladder together are called the renal system. When you’re pregnant, your body increases the blood flow with respect to the filtering rate of the kidneys. This eventually can reflect in urinating as women find blood in the urine. Though it’s not a harmful symptom for a pregnant woman, it is advised to get checked and determine the actual reason behind blood in the urine.

The blood system:

The volume of the total blood increases during pregnancy. This may cause dilutional anemia in pregnant women. Again, there’s any harmful factor if the iron level in the blood decreases, however, you must consult a doctor to ensure that there’s everything normal in your blood system.

Endocrine system:

When you’re pregnant, your entire system adjusts itself with the changes in pregnancy. The placenta in your body works as the endocrine gland in the system temporarily. Estrogen and progestin, the two important hormones for pregnancy are produced by this endocrine gland which develops in the 12th or 14th week of pregnancy.


Some women encounter enlarged thyroid during pregnancy. Although this does not affect the growth of the pregnancy or create any complications, you must consult your gynecologist if you notice any lump or growth in the thyroid.

Apart from the aforementioned body changes, there are other changes also which typically takes in a pregnant woman’s body. They are as follow:

Increase in the prolactin levels to allow breastfeeding
Increase in the cortisol and renin levels. ( blood volume)
Increase in the glucose levels
The decrease in the levels of calcium
Increase in the basal metabolic rate.

The above mentioned are the changes taking place in a woman’s body. Most of the changes are likely to take place in the second and third trimester because that’s when the growth of the pregnancy is faster. You can look for an online pharmacy to offer you pregnancy care products and medicines. If you are planning to end the pregnancy ( first trimester) you can even buy MTP kit online from any such pharmacy.

Posted in pregnancy | Tagged Buy MTP kit online, safe abortion pills online

Medical abortion and sexual health

Medical abortion is a process of terminating an unwanted pregnancy at home. Since pregnancy and medical abortion are associated with women’s sexual health, women have to be careful while performing the ending the pregnancy through abortion pills.

It is advised not to indulge in any intense physical activity during the medical abortion process. You may ask your pals to buy abortion pills through a nearby store. If you’re alone, you can easily buy online abortion pills through an online pharmacy. There are a couple of websites which dedicatedly offer safe abortion pills to the needy woman at reasonable rates.

Here are some of the factors that women have to look after during the process of medical abortion.

Do not have sexual intercourse during or immediately after the process of abortion:

At this moment, the vagina becomes vulnerable. Sexual intercourse can lead to severe several unavoidable infections during the medical abortion procedure.

Do not use tampons during the medical abortion procedure: 

Anything inserted into the vagina expose it to various bacterial infections and hence it is advised that the tampons should not be used during the entire process. Women can choose maxi pads which soak blood clots and the heavy bleeding.

Have a hot bath and gently clean your genitals:

Women should take care of the genital areas since they become weak during the process of pregnancy termination. You may consider having a hot bath and carefully clean the genital area. It is important here to understand that the vagina has a natural self-cleaning process which does require any additional external cleansing. Do not douche or use scented perfumes to clean the genital parts:

Like every other medication, abortion pills have certain side effects which include nausea, sickness, diarrhea, headache etc. All these side effects are temporary and do not have a long-term impact on the body.
Speaking of women’s sexual health, the abortion pills do not permanently impact the sexual organs with adverse effects on it. Also, the medical abortion does not affect future pregnancies of women. The user remains as fertile as she was before terminating the pregnancy through abortion pills. You can buy Generic RU 486 and Cytolog combination to terminate your pregnancy.
When you perform a medical abortion and follow the instructions properly the tablets show the highest efficacy throughout the process. The importance is given to the sexual health during the procedure and precautionary care being taken keeps the complications at bay. The woman experiences faster recovery from the procedure and gets back to the regular healthy life.

Posted in abortion pills, pregnancy, womens Health | Tagged abortion pill, buy ru486 online, Online abortion pills, online pharmacy, safe abortion pills

How to calculate a pregnancy?

The thoughts of pregnancy keep prancing in our head every time our period is delayed or missed. Most women don’t find it comfortable to visit a doctor to check their pregnancy status. Women are also concerned about the gestation period calculation since they have to manage everything accordingly. If discovered within 8 weeks, you can end your pregnancy with medical abortion. You can easily buy MTP kit from an online pharmacy or a local medical store.

Understanding where exactly in your gestation period can be a bit difficult. So before we jump into the pregnancy calculation, here are some areas you may need to be aware of.

Pregnancy is counted from the start of your last period.

A woman usually ovulates two weeks after their menstrual period, the date may vary by 2-3 days. Most women do not know the day of ovulation since ovulation does not bring a visible change in your body. However, women do remember their LMP, in other words, the last menstrual period and the day it started. It becomes easier for physicians/gynecologists to count your pregnancy from the day of LMP and hence your pregnancy is checked on the basis of your last menstruation date.

How is a trimester calculated?

Trimesters cannot be precisely defined as such, although, it is usually considered to around three months each. In some parts of the world, your second trimester starts when you cross 12 weeks of the gestation period. Your first trimester is a safe period to decide if you wish to continue your pregnancy or abort it. Making the decision at the earliest helps to make decisions for future planning.

In case you want to terminate your pregnancy, you can buy abortion pills online or from a local store and administer it to end your unwanted pregnancy at home. You can abort your pregnancy in your first trimester only. The safe abortion pills which you buy have the highest efficacy for up to 8 weeks of the gestation period.

Ways you can calculate your pregnancy:

Physical examination:

The pregnancy week can be determined by the size of the uterus. Around 10 weeks, the physician can see the feel the uterus above the pelvis. The distance between the fundus and pubic bone remains the same until 18 weeks which grows further at umbilicus after 20 weeks. This gives a rough idea of pregnancy week.

Ultrasound examination:

Ultrasound is the best suitable method to understand your gestation period, especially when you cannot remember your LMP. The Ultrasound method calculates your pregnancy week on the basis of a series of measures of the gestational sac and the fetus.

Your fetus or the embryo is measured from head to toe which helps the sonographer to understand the gestation period of your pregnancy. The growth of the pregnancy tells the doctor the growth of your pregnancy.

It is important to know the gestation period of your pregnancy at the earliest. It can help you further

Posted in abortion pills, birth control pills, pregnancy, womens Health | Tagged buy abortion pills online, buy MTP kit, online pharmacy, safe abortion pills

7 Reasons Why Abortion Should Be Always Legal

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Abortion has always been a subject of debate. Supporters to it claim that women must be allowed to get her pregnancy terminated, if they want to, while others opine that terminating pregnancy must be a criminal activity or disallowed at any stage or circumstances of conception. These days, the female can buy MTP kit online, the medicines that end pregnancy without surgery, making the procedure less intrusive and successful, just like many other healthcare treatments.

During pregnancy or before, a female can go through a lot of problems, some relating to health, the unborn condition, and more, which may make the person look for pregnancy termination. Here are 7 arguments for pro-abortion.

  1. Complete Anti- Abortion Laws are Unethical

Pregnancy termination is not always only based on the choice of the person. There are times when a health complication, injury or fetal conditions prompts for disruption of conception, and medically directly towards miscarriage. Sometimes a pregnancy can be life threatening to women under various circumstances. Thus, a complete ban on pregnancy ending is really unethical.

  1. Females Must Have Control over Their Body

Given and said all, the fetus grows in the woman’s uterus, and at any point of time if the person feels she cannot take responsibility of the child or faces consequences that requires her to end the pregnancy by taking abortion pill kit online, then she must be the only one allowed to take the call. After all it is the woman’s body and no one must interfere as to what she wants to do with it.

  1. Personhood Starts at Fetus Viability

A fetus less than 20 or 24 weeks old cannot survive by itself outside the womb. It also lacks sensation of pain until the second trimester. Most of the pregnancies terminated are in first trimester. The embryo is said to have ‘potential’ for life if it can live on own or with support outside the woman’s womb, making pregnancy ending, a sole choice for the female itself.

  1. Abortion can be Right to Life

Due to complications in woman’s life and health, sometimes she chooses to abort the child. Perhaps if the pregnancy was continued, either she would have died or the child given nature of few diseases or hurdles at conception. Saving at least one life is also a right to life, and thus woman must have a say in living.

  1. Bans can Risk Illegal Terminations

The ones who wish to end pregnancy are confident mostly about their decision. If they cannot obtain it legally, they will do so illegally with back-alley procedures. Here the MTP Kit price may be less, but there is no surety the medicines would be genuine or if a trained staff will be performing surgical terminations. Several women have died in back-alley regimens due to blotched up abortions.

  1. Important for Gender Equality

Men can purchase birth control methods or medicines, treatments for erectile dysfunction over-the-counter without having to be accountable to the women they are with. Thus, women must have access to control her reproductive health and pregnancy if she wants to without involvement of the third person.

  1. May Minimize Suffering of the Unborn

In certain pregnancies, the fetus contains defects, which is sure to lead the infants’ death in matter of few hours or short duration from birth. These can be detected before birthing via ultrasound. In such cases, the female must be given the liberty to decide- whether to get an abortion or not.

Posted in abortion pills, pregnancy | Tagged abortion pills online, buy abortion pills, Buy MTP kit online