No Period after Pregnancy Termination

A pregnancy termination takes place when a pregnancy is abruptly aborted, with or without interference. Whatever the cause, a pregnancy termination results into an interruption of the pregnancy’s normal hormonal processes, which could cause a delay in your usual menstrual cycle. Among few females, no period after the pregnancy termination could take place.

 Is no period after abortion a concern?

Hormonal ovulation and pattern can return to normal after a pregnancy termination. However the time can differ. This is affected by the hormonal variations in every female and the stage of pregnancy when an abortion takes place. If you undergo pregnancy termination through abortion pills during first trimester, you may expect your period to return in about 4-10 weeks.  Generally, if you have no period after 10 weeks, it is recommendable to see a physician.

One reason you might skip menstruation for many weeks is that your body still contains some pregnancy hormones although the abortion procedure is completed. Such hormones leads your body in suppressing ovulation, therefore it is possible that you will have delayed menstruation.

Moreover, a pregnancy termination can result in an increase in stress levels that can as well affect your hormonal balance, resulting into changes in your menstrual period. This can continue even if the effects of your pregnancy and abortion have decreased.

Does no period mean a new pregnancy or a failed abortion?

Some females may wonder that if they do not have menstruation after abortion, it may be a sign of an unsuccessful abortion or again becoming pregnant. You can get the ultrasound done to make sure the abortion is completed.  You may take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant again. Although, you may get positive results for the first few weeks as it takes time for your body to absorb the pregnancy hormones.

To know if you may be pregnant again, get two home pregnancy tests. Get your urine checked about one week after you think you may have conceived and take another test one week later.

Tips for better recovery after abortion:

Proper care and good recovery may help the problem of no period after pregnancy termination. Follow these tips:

  • Monitor your bleeding by utilizing maxi pads after a pregnancy termination. Consult your physician if you have heavy bleeding.
  • Check the temperature of your body everyday for the first week after an abortion. A fever may be a symptom, which an infection has developed. You can give a call to your doctor if the temperature of your body is higher than 100.4°
  • Do not use tampons for 4-8 weeks.
  • Do not have intercourse, douching, or putting anything in your vagina for 2 weeks after your pregnancy termination.
  • Do not take tub baths or go swimming for 2 weeks. Rather than take a shower.
  • Do not take aspirin, alcohol, or marijuana that may cause heavy bleeding.
  • Do not aerobics, heavy lifting, running or any strenuous exercise for 2 weeks.
  • Take prescribed medicines as your physician has instructed you.
  • Avoid working for a few days.
  • Drink a lot of water or fluids.
  • Ask your physician about future pregnancies and contraceptives.
  • A pregnancy termination can cause sadness, guilt, or grief. Speak with a friend, family member, a counselor, or a health professional for support.
Posted in abortion pills, womens Health | Tagged pregnancy termination, recovery after abortion

5 Best Ways to Support Your Friend Who’s Having an Abortion

Abortion support is not, fundamentally about how you as a person feel regarding pregnancy terminations and what you did do in that circumstances; it is about supporting your friend through a potentially tumultuous period. We have less public conversations about what abortion feels like physically and emotionally or how it looks like, thus it can be difficult to find out how to anticipate it.

The good thing is that you can easily help your friends when they are making this choice for their own well-being and health. You can provide real, substantive practical help, beside emotional support.

1. Keep your own opinion out of it:

Abortion is a contentious problem, however now is really not the time to have a debate about it. If your friend has made her decision, avoid talking or do not shame her out of it; respect her body and her choices, even though they don’t correspond to your own.

2. Try not to have expectations about how she’ll feel:

More largely, your expectations regarding pregnancy termination will not be useful either. You might see her crying, or trying to connect and schedule an appointment with a doctor without even thinking, nevertheless, she will not follow your idea of how ideally getting an abortion should be like.

3. Listen:

This is the time where you need to listen to her anxiety and her grief; you need to be a sounding board for her concerns.

4. Provide Transport and Practical help:

Pregnancy terminations are both practical and emotional undertakings. You can offer her the bus ride, plan daily routines for her, and assist her schedule time off for the appointment, or put her in the cab afterwards. You can also help her find money for the process and buy abortion pills online for her.

Part of this practical help is not only finding real and useful information concerning the procedure, but also what will take place afterwards. There are many scare stories about abortion and pregnancy out there, and it’s necessary for anybody making the choice to know the realities of abortive processes.

5. Give Emotional Support without forcing her:

In all ways allow to express whatever she wishes to say about it and what she is undergoing, whether you hear about it beforehand or afterwards. Additionally do not feel “isolated” if she didn’t tell you about it before the time; a few people play their best role in these circumstances as isolated actors, and later react on it.

If someone is undergoing incredibly difficult things, do not make them talk about it. If she needs to isolate herself afterwards, permit her to take that space. Give her space and permission to be angry, sad, upset, and self-critical; do not tell her to move on or try to get over it, or force her to behave “normally” to serve your own requirements. It is a heavy stuff, and will likely have emotional ramification, although everyone will express them in different ways.

Posted in womens Health | Tagged buy abortion pills online, medical abortion, pregnancy termination

Mifepristone and Misoprostol Are Most Recommended Medications to End Pregnancy

Pregnancy termination has been a topic of debate around the globe. The pro-lifers and pro-choice group are at the brink to make the use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol international news recently with states ruling in favor and against these medicines. However, some maybe concerned about abuse of freedom rights on conducing end of pregnancy.

But, many are struggling to find right means and finance to meet these needs. However, abortion medications are both cost effective and convenient to remove pregnancy parts. Here is everything that you wish to know about the relevant medication procedure.

Why Pregnancy Ending Healthcare is Necessary?

Thus, apt healthcare options should be available for women who seek procedure to cease pregnancy with abortion pills. There have been numerous studies and experiments with this medication. Most of the women have responded well to this treatment. Another method is vacuum aspiration. The doctor uses surgical instruments to take out pregnancy parts from womb. It takes a day to complete the procedure.

Only in rare instances if the surgery was not successful, a repeat of the process will be required. But, this means is only favorable if a woman is beyond 10-12 weeks gestation. Those in 10 weeks of gestation are said to have safe medical end to pregnancy with MTP Kit online. But, a female crossing 10 weeks of gestation should either keep her pregnancy or choose surgical aspiration.

Healthcare for women when she has complicated pregnancy is mandatory to save their lives. If the decision for medical abortion is a personal choice, even then such services should be available to safeguard a female’s integrity and independence. She should be able to obtain abortion tablets. Especially it is required in rural areas where professionals are non-accessible for pregnancy termination.

How does pill aid Pregnancy Termination function?

With the medication method, there are several advantages over surgical curettage. The required medicines can be taken for successful pregnancy termination from home or in clinic. Thus, you do not have to visit clinic to get the product, but be at home and buy abortion pill online. The package contents will be given at the provided address in few days and you receive enough privacy for the procedure.

Consume one pill of Mifepristone with water on day 1. The medication causes womb to dislodge fetus and pregnancy parts, ending embryo’s life completely. This is performed due to anti-progesterone mechanism of the product, killing oxygen, and nutrition support to fetus. Cervix becomes dilated to enable fetus ousting with use of another recommended medication.

After 2-3 days open the pack of Misoprostol and use 4 tablets for ‘cheek pouches placement of medicines’ method. This medicine removes embryo with womb contractions leading to vaginal bleeding.

What are the Side Effects and Safety Tip for Medications?

The use of medication causes abdominal cramps because of womb contractions, which is essential to remove pregnancy parts. The pills can lead to headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in rare cases, expected consequences of complete process. Vaginal bleeding would be more than moderate and will consist of large clots and pregnancy parts.

Before using this product, confirm with few physical examination tests like fetus ultrasound, blood and hormone tests etc. if you are prepared mentally and physically to undergo the process. Do not take alcohol or smoke if under abortion pills dose. Purchase ample of sanitary napkins and keep healthcare helpline with self.

Posted in abortion pills, womens Health | Tagged medical abortion, mtp kit online, pregnancy termination, safety tips

5 Ways That Can Help You Deal With Menstrual Cramps

For a number of females, period cramps are an expected part of getting their menstrual cycle. Few people are can manage to do the daily events despite of the pain, whereas others are required to stay in bed for a day or two until the cramps fade away.

The following is the information on relieving your menstrual pain and stopping them from being as painful in the future.

Use a hot water bottle or heating pad:

When your womb (i.e. a muscle) contracts to release lining, cramps are caused. When heat is functional, muscle pain always feels better, and the uterus is no exception.

  • Lie down and place a heating pad or a hot water bottle around your stomach.
  • Taking a warm bath or shower also gives you heat to ease the pain.

Drink herbal tea:

When you drink warm fluid, it can help ease your muscles, and some herbs are known to relieve cramps efficiently. Make a pot of tea with one of the following herbs:

  • Cramp bark, a potent herb that is known to lower uterine muscle contractions
  • Raspberry leaf, relaxes the uterus

Get a massage:

Kneading the muscles in your lower back and abdomen can go a long way toward easing the pain of cramps. Have a partner work or use a self-massaging tool on these areas for you. If you are in the mood of splurge, hire a masseuse for professional job.

Get regular exercise:

Females who incorporate regular exercise into their routines have less severe cramps than females who don’t exercise. Think adding exercise to your life in one of the following ways:

  • Walk or bike to work. Biking or walking can take less time than other modes of transportation and the light exercise it entails add up a lot over time.
  • Start jogging or swimming a few times a week. Swimming or jogging keep your muscles toned and give your body a strong, healthy foundation that keeps cramps at bay.
  • Join a team sport. Soccer, basketball softball, and volleyball get you moving many times a week.

Avoid substances that make cramps worse:

You might have noticed that your cramps are more painful during menstruation when you are drink too much of coffee. The reason is caffeine results on the rigorousness and period of muscle cramps, as do salt and alcohol. Avoid consuming the following ingredients, particularly as your period approaches:

  • Beer, liquor, wine, and other drinks containing alcohol
  • Coffee, caffeinated tea and soda
  • Salty food such as canned soups, chips and fast food

Consider having contraception:

For people with serious menstrual cramps and other menstruation-related symptoms, consuming oral contraceptives can help ease the pain. The hormones in the birth control pills results into the uterine lining to thin, ensuing in lesser uterine contractions and less serious cramps. Consider the following options:

  • Loette contraceptive pills and many other are popular method. A tablet having a particular amount of progesterone, estrogen or both is consumed daily until the cycle ends, when the period arrives.
  • Injectable birth controls have the same hormones, and are managed in the form of a shot periodically.
  • IUDs, or Intra-uterine devices, are implemented inside the cervix. The device releases progesterone and estrogen hormones.
Posted in birth control pills, womens Health | Tagged contraception, Menstrual Cramps, regular exercise

How to Find Out Whether You Are Pregnant or Not?

If you are pregnant, you usually start noticing early signs of pregnancy immediately after getting pregnant. But, it is not necessary that every female have these signs, and even if she does, it doesn’t essentially mean that she is pregnant. If you think you are pregnant, the best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test or get the ultrasound done by your physician.

But, even before the pregnancy test, you can check for early symptoms of pregnancy, such as a missed period, nausea, frequent urination, and tenderness in your breasts. If you are experiencing such signs, recollect the last time you had intercourse. In order to be pregnant, you will have to have vaginal intercourse.

Following are the tips on taking a pregnancy test:

  • Think about when you last had intercourse:

You should have had vaginal intercourse to be pregnant. Oral intercourse doesn’t count in this case. In addition, consider whether you practiced safe intercourse. If you were not on an oral contraceptive and didn’t use another form of birth control, you have a much greater opportunity of getting pregnant than if you did practice safe intercourse.

It in fact takes about 6-10 days after you have intercourse for the fertilized egg to begin the implantation procedure, which is when you officially become pregnant. That’s also when your body begins releasing hormones. A pregnancy test is normally not accurate until after the first day of your missed period.

  • Notice when you have missed your menstrual cycle:

Missing periods is often one of the first signs that you may be pregnant. If you go past your expected start date by a week or more, which could be an indicator that you are pregnant.

Keep an easy track on your period, figure out when you had your last period. If you don’t, try to keep in mind the last time you had your period. If it’s been more than a month, it could mean you are pregnant.

But, this indicator isn’t foolproof, particularly if you have irregular periods.

  • Detect the changes in your breasts:

Over the course of pregnancy your breast size will increase, you may as well notice changes early on. There is fluctuation of hormones in your body, which can cause swelling and tenderness in your breasts when you become pregnant. Once your body adapts the hormonal changes, this particular pain should reduce.

  • Check if you are feeling excessively tired:

Pregnancy can often bring on fatigue. You are growing a new life inside you, and that’s hard work. But, in first trimester pregnancy, this tiredness is more because of the fact that you have an increased progesterone hormone that causes drowsiness.

  • Take a home pregnancy test:

A pregnancy test is very exact if you take it after you must have had your period. You can order pregnancy test online or at drug store. Mostly take the test when you wake up, because it will be more accurate.

To use test kit, you need to urinate on one end of a stick that has a test strip. After you are done, put it on a flat surface.

Give it about 5 minutes or so to work. The package must tell you what to be looking for. Some tests show tow lines for pregnant, while others are a single blue line.

  • Study your options for ending the pregnancy, if this is your choice:

If you choose to abort your pregnancy and you are in the early stages of pregnancy, you can buy abortion pills online. Make out that you have options, and you have the power to make the decision that is right for you.

Posted in womens Health | Tagged buy abortion pills online, early symptoms of pregnancy, menstrual cycle, signs of pregnancy

8 Ways That Can Sabotage Your Own Health

You consider yourself a smart woman. You see your GYN each year and conduct your breast self-exam monthly. Whenever possible you find time for exercise, and you try to watch what you eat. However are you really taking efforts to be your healthiest?

1. Wearing Tight Clothing:

Are you aware of wearing tight fitting jeans, nylon panties, and panty house without a cotton panel or other garments, which restrict airflow and hold in moisture and heat, are contributing elements in yeast infections?

Wearing cotton panties and shun very tight garments can reduce the risk of infections of vaginas.

2. Skipping an annual physical:

A number of females are under the false impression that if they see their GYN for every few years and conduct monthly breast self- exams, they have nothing else to worry about. But, every woman requires an overall physical routine every one to two years to screen for other health conditions, which may arise, such as diabetes and heart disease.

3. Having unprotected intercourse:

Not remembering protection, even once, can make you pregnant again and again, and can result into the STDs or other infections. Contraceptives must be used each time you have intercourse. STDs and infections can cause future reproductive health issues, also death in some cases.

4. Not getting enough calcium:

Probabilities are that you aren’t getting enough calcium in your diet. Calcium is vital nutrient throughout a woman’s life and not only important for growing kids. Considerably, calcium has shown to decrease the symptoms of PMS and is essential to protect yourself against the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis later in life.

Women those who are adult must aim to intake 1000-1200mg of calcium, via food or supplements, daily, as per National Institutes of health.

5. Smoking Cigarettes:

Have you ever thought that smoking is the most preventable cause of death in this country? Miserably, lakhs of women die from smoking-related caused every year. Everybody is aware that smoking grows the risk of cancer and heart disease; however for females smoking plays a vital role in infertility, miscarriage and other reproductive health problems.  Quite smoking, it can reverse some of the damage and lead to better health.

6. Skimping on sweat sessions:

Exercise can be the first thing to go when schedules get busy; however making exercise a priority is vital. Just 30 minutes of daily exercise can vitally diminish your risk of disease, as per the centers of disease control. The advantage of daily exercise consists of a significant increase in life expectancy and better overall health.  Normal physical activity diminishes the risk of heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis, also decreasing or improving the symptoms of PMS, menopause, diabetes and numerous other conditions.

7. Overeating:

Eating too much restaurant meals or fast food is something many of us are guilty of. This can result to weight gain, gallstones, high blood pressure, and heart disease. The increase in the number of cases of gallstones, in females under 40, may well be attributed to the high fat content too many high fat, large meals eaten by today’s busy female.

8. Being too busy:

Continuously being on the move and getting something done can be taxing. Do give yourself a break and find some time for yourself. Find time to relax, take a warm bath, read a book, or do something just for yourself. You will be surprised at how much better you feel when you remember to take care of your own needs and relieve the stress of day-to-day life.

Posted in womens Health | Tagged health issue, woman life

How to Care For Yourself Physically and Emotionally While Having Medical Abortion

Every woman responds differently to an abortion. When you have made your decision to have medical abortion you must take care of yourself even more intensely. Before you buy abortion pill, it is always best to take a pregnancy test. Also, the pregnancy gestation has to be within ten weeks.

  • Understand your body type and know if you are eligible for medical abortion
  • Check if you have any heart/ liver/ kidney disease. Are they taking long term corticosteroids
  • Are you allergic to prostaglandin or anti-progesterone
  • Do you have blood clot problems, or high blood pressure

Things to do to have a safe abortion

Eat light food. Drink plenty of fluids and keep drinking it especially before you consume abortion pills: Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

It’s preferable if you eat in smaller portions while you’re going through medication. It can help to handle it better.

If you experience diarrhea or can’t digest any food or liquids for more than five hours, contact your nearest medical care team.

The bleeding is usually heavier than the normal periods. There are possibilities that your bleeding may not look normal. Women bleed heavily for almost 5 hours or even more, as the blood clots and pregnancy tissues are expelled out of the body.

Don’t panic even if the bleeding goes for more than a week. It will get reduced.

Physical care

Physical care during abortion process must be given utmost importance. Hence, here are a few things you should keep in mind for better physical care during abortion activity.  Below listed things can help you overcome the side effects that you may get while undergoing the procedure.

  • Wear comfortable clothes
  • Drink hot water if possible or keep heating pads alongside
  • Make sure you have enough sanitary pads with you
  • Maintain emergency contacts in your phone
  • Take suitable painkiller if it pains
  • Keep a thermometer to have a regular check on fever and your health
  • Have energy drinks whenever you’re feeling weak and tired
  • Eat chocolates or snacks.
  • Drink enough of water to keep yourself hydrated

 Emotional care

  • Do what you really like, especially an art form like painting or writing.
  • Talk to people you love the most, spend some time with pets
  • Think positive, decorate your house with flowers and paintings to keep a positive environment

Speedy recovery after medical abortion also depends on the psychological impact on your body. You must look after your feelings along with the above physical precautions of your body. Stay positive; pamper yourself with a nice novel or a movie of your choice. Be around people who make you happy. Talk to them.

Posted in abortion pills, womens Health | Tagged buy abortion pills, physical care, safe abortion

What Happens To Your Menstrual Period Following An Abortion Procedure?

Indeed it is common for females to have an unusual menstrual cycle or experience other changes after losing a pregnancy this way.

The onset of pregnancy will bring about a number of changes in your body, particularly in the hormonal activities. Since your body begins to prepare for childbirth, pregnancy hormones will take over the menstrual hormones. Such hormones will be thrown off track if miscarriage or pregnancy termination takes place. Your entire cycle would go haywire at this period that makes it much possible for you to experience irregular hormonal activity. Your period may get delayed, come early, or vary greatly during this time.

During this period, your body’s first priority is to release all the pregnancy parts of your lost pregnancy. The fetal tissue, plus other debris will be expelled from the womb within weeks or days after pregnancy termination. This could be categorized by heavy bleeding that some regard as the first period after miscarriage or abortion.

The fetal remnants can be eradicated surgically if you have a medication pregnancy termination. You could as well experience heavy bleeding after this. If your period becomes irregular after a medication abortion it might be less heavy and painful. Your regular period might be delayed for a few weeks your hormones resume normal activity.

What takes place to your menstrual periods following abortion?

Your body must begin going back to normal relatively quickly following pregnancy termination. The ovulation cycle could take place as early as seven to ten days, while your menstrual period begins in 4-8 weeks. This exact time will differ, of course, because it depends on each female also the time when the pregnancy was aborted. For instance, your menstrual cycle could return in 4-6 six weeks if you had an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy. Your menstrual cycles could take longer to return if your pregnancy was aborted at a later stage.

The return of the period cycle is definitely not a problem for a number of women as is the irregularity. At this time, the reason for abnormality will be due mostly to the fact that the body holds some pregnancy hormones for several months. You could still feel the effect of pregnancy hormones even after having a pregnancy termination. Simply because it was before pregnancy, your menstrual period will only return when those hormones are drained from your body entirely.

Keep in mind though that you could still experience many bodily changes for up to two years after pregnancy termination, even when the menstrual cycle becomes regular. Such could be changes during every cycle, the amount of bleeding, and the types of cramps. Following an abortion, you might bleed moderately, lightly, heavily or not at all for one to three weeks.

There are cases where some females don’t begin bleeding for many days, have strong cramps with heavy clots for many, or will begin to bleed on and off. You must not be surprised if you are experiencing greater bleeding or cramping for 4-5 days after abortion.

Posted in womens Health | Tagged medical abortion, menstrual period, pregnancy termination

What Is The Difference Between Emergency Contraceptive Pill And Abortion Pill?

Often the general public don’t know much about the difference between emergency contraception [EC] and abortion pills and frequently confuse them with each other. The main conceptual difference between the two is the emergency contraception is for “prevention of pregnancy” and meanwhile abortion tablets are for “termination of an already existing pregnancy”. Often the general public don’t know much about the difference between emergency contraception [EC] and abortion pills and frequently confuse them with each other. The main conceptual difference between the two is the emergency contraception is for “prevention of pregnancy” and meanwhile abortion tablets are for “termination of an already existing pregnancy”.

What is medical abortion?

Medical abortion is termination of an early pregnancy [ one that is not matured past the initial 10 weeks of gestation]. It is done by the use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol tablets. Mifepristone taken first, is used with Misoprostol pills which is taken 24-48 hours later. Mifepristone is also called by other names such as brands – Mifeprex or RU-486. In the meantime, Misoprostol also has another brand named Cytolog.

What is Emergency Contraception?

Women use emergency contraception as means of preventing pregnancy. EC are especially useful in case of unexpected and unprotected intercourse, birth control failure or in circumstances of sexual assault. Emergency contraceptive like Plan B pills reduced the risk of pregnancy if taken within 3 days [ 72 hours] of unprotected intercourse.

The difference between abortion pills and emergency contraceptive pills  

1. Usage and efficacy

Abortion Pill – The FDA recommended regimen for medical abortion is to take 1 pill of Mifepristone [ 200 mg] and then take 4 pills of Misoprostol [ 800 mcg total] 24-48 hours later. The Misoprostol pills are put 2×2 in each cheek pouches and then kept to be dissolved for 30 minutes before swallowing the residue left.

Evidence says Mifepristone and Misoprostol combination when used right is 96-98% effective without any complications.

Emergency Contraceptive Pill – The FDA approved usage of morning after pill, i.e. EC is to take it within three days of unprotected intercourse. The sooner you take the pill the better it is as the efficacy of this pills drop dramatically as time passes. It is the most effective when taken within 24 hours of unprotected intercourse. Man women even buy Plan B online and have it delivered overnight.

2. Mechanism 

Abortion Pill –  Mifepristone is an anti-progesterone agent which blocks the necessary hormones needed to support the uterine lining that supports the pregnancy. In the absence of the hormone this uterine lining is broken and the embryo faces detachment. Meanwhile Misoprostol is an ecbolic agent and causes uterine contractions which help the detached embryonic tissues to be ejected through vaginal discharge.

Emergency Contraceptive pill – Depending upon the time of your cycle when they are taken, the EC pill may delay ovulation, inhibit with the sperm travel through tubes, interfere with the fertilization process to prevent pregnancy.

3. Safety

Abortion pill – Millions of women worldwide buy abortion pills online and have the pregnancy termination at home. As per statistics, the maternal mortality rate is much higher in childbirth than abortion or miscarriage.

Emergency Contraceptive pill – There is no evidence based contraindications for EC pills. They do not induce an abortion nor do they effect the developing embryo.

4. Cost 
Abortion pill – The average cost of abortion pills is about $350 to $800, given if you have insurance or not. Therefore, many women get abortion pills online for cheaper deal.

Emergency Contraceptive pill – The EC pill generally costs $10 to $77 [ per pill], this is why many buy online as Plan B cost is mostly sold at 10 pills at $50, i.e. [$5 per pill] on web pharmacies.

Posted in abortion pills, birth control pills, womens Health | Tagged buy abortion pills, Emergency Contraceptive, Mifepristone and Misoprostol, plan b

Five Weird Symptoms You Will Feel While Pregnant

Pregnancy involves a lot of odd things that women go through. Even though, certain symptoms are to be expected like vomiting, nausea and even backaches which most mom-to-be certainly expect. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t other symptoms you have never considered in pregnancy before. Here are some of the weirdest five symptoms that you may have not have thought about but happen during pregnancy.

  • Increased Vaginal Discharge

When you are pregnant, it is natural to expect your periods to stop. What you don’t expect is to have an increase in vaginal discharge during this period. The discharge is normal and is considered healthy. It is the same as when you ovulate. In fact, many women wear panty liners during pregnancy. The discharge increases as you due to date nears. If the odor or color of the discharge starts to change, then you may report it to a healthcare professional.

  • Nasal stuffiness and bleeding

Even if pregnancy seems to have no connection to your nose, nose bleeding nasal stuffiness can happen very commonly. These symptoms can be easily treated by natural remedies like snorting salt water or by humidifier. If the above means fail, you may contact a healthcare professional. There may be other ways to bring back moisture back into your nose.

  • Insomnia

When you think of pregnancy, you think of being extremely tired. Even so, sometimes, whether or not you are experiencing fatigue, you can experience pregnancy insomnia. Therefore, insomnia is a symptom of pregnancy for some women. This can be evident in the form of inability to fall asleep or the inability to go back to sleep after being awakened. To get relief you may do some exercise, decrease on caffeine intake and relax. You may experience insomnia the most in the first and third trimesters as this symptom usually comes and goes.

  • Constipation

Another affect that pregnancy can have on your body. The pregnancy hormones cause your intestines to slow down and become sluggish. This creates a ‘back-up of sorts, which means that you have trouble in the bathroom. The solution to overcome pregnancy constipation is to exercise, eating high fiber foods and to drink plenty of water and healthy fluids. If these do not help, then you may seek help from a healthcare professional.

  • Gastronomical problem [ Gas/ Burping]

You may be questioning, is burping a sign of pregnancy? The pregnancy hormones send your gastronomical tract in to a tailspin. This causes you to develop gas, burp and belch during the pregnancy, which is fairly common. Try to avoid foods that may cause gas and don’t hold it in, as it can be quite painful. You can follow the common rules of to avoid stomach problems. It can be quite embarrassing; however, you can take simple solutions like going to the bathroom for a while or just let it rip.

Posted in womens Health | Tagged healthcare, Symptoms of pregnancy