Physical Development In Girls After Puberty

Physical Development In GirlsA menstrual period is often considered as the first sign of puberty changes. That may be true, but the physical changes in a girl’s body can begin even before she gets her first ever menstrual period. Women’s health concerns also start changing when a girl gets transformed into a woman. This blog explains the different physical development changes that take place after the girl hits puberty.

Here are key physical changes that take place with a woman’s body.

When she is of 10-11 years old:

Your daughter may start looking at the mirror with her small breasts developing slowly. Breasts begin developing during these years. The speed of both breasts may be different but there’s nothing abnormal in it. If you want your daughter to wear a bra, you can consider giving her a sports bra or something that soft and short. The breasts may appear tender to your daughter which again is normal at the beginning.

The second important change that takes place while growing at the time puberty is your height! Your height changes with a rather faster speed than before. Similarly, many of her body parts grow along with her breasts. For example, her face, hands may develop faster than the other parts of the body.

The physical growth of girls typically stops around 17-21 years. You daughter may feel out of proportion for a few months or a year, but you can explain to her that it won’t last long.

The puberty also changes the shape of the body. The widened buttocks and grown breasts will give the belly a more obvious shape.

The external genitals will also grow when she’s 13 and she’ll be introduced to pubic hair which will get thicker with time.

When your daughter turns 13 or 14:

Your daughter may encounter clear or whitish discharge a few months before she gets her first menstrual period. The discharge passing from the vagina is normal until it does not have an odor, does cause itching or pain. If the reverse is the case, you must consider visiting a gynecologist. She will also experience hair growing under her arms around this age.

When she’s 20:

Your daughter’s body becomes grown enough to handle a pregnancy. However, managing pregnancy is not just a physical thing but she should also be prepared mentally, emotionally and financially. If she happens to get into such an unplanned pregnancy and wishes to end it, she must do it in the first trimester.

To successfully end an unplanned pregnancy in the first trimester, she can get abortion pills online and administer them at home. Be with her to guide and support her during the abortion procedure.

This entry was posted in womens Health .