How to tackle some misconceptions regarding abortion

Do you support women’s right? Don’t you feel that an individual should be given right to control their own bodies? Although many are actively driving to promote practical solutions to the causes that drive women to abortion by providing them with services to buy abortion pills; there are some who join pro-life advocates and say that the right to life should always prevail over the right of a woman to equality or right to abort. There are certain misconceptions formed by such ‘pro-lifers’ which are to be rooted out. Here are those misconceptions:

  • Life of human starts at conception:

There is no scientific consensus as to when the life of human begins. This is a matter of philosophic view or religious belief. Life of an individual is a continuum, sperms and eggs are also alive, and represent potential human beings, however, nearly all eggs and sperms are wasted. Moreover, 2/3rd of human’s conceptions are spontaneously aborted by nature.

  • Abortion is killing a person:

Personhood begins at conception is a religious faith, not a verifiable biological fact.

The word ‘person’ is defined through various ideas by religious communities or when termination of pregnancy is morally justified. Nevertheless, the Canadian court has consistently not found a fetus to be a person with legal rights.

  • Termination of pregnancy is morally wrong:

Majority of people refuse the position that abortion is always wrong. In fact, it is often advantageous for women’s lives and health and hence they buy abortion pill to induce the abortive procedure. Several people believe that giving birth to an undesired child is a crime, and that compelling women to have children against her desire is immoral. Lot of pregnant people who are prohibited to terminate their pregnancy for religious or ethical believes that it is incorrect to oblige their values by civil law on everyone.

  • The embryo should have rights under the law:

Suppose, if fetal rights were shield in law, women’s bodies, rights, and wellbeing would be auxiliary to safeguard the embryos. The legal consequences of such a law would be disastrous. One of the best ways to secure the fetus is to promote the healthiness and well-being of women.

  • Pregnancy termination shouldn’t be legal and must be stopped:

Laws have never banned abortion, however, only made it unsafe for women. Termination is a universal practice that has been with public since the beginning of time, whether lawful or unlawful.

  • Nearly all Canadians believe that process to abort should be illegitimate. The bulk rules in a democracy:

Approximately, 78% of Canadians have faith that cancelling pregnancy is a confidential matter between a woman and her physician. Human rights are guaranteed for everyone and are not subject to the impulse of the electorate. Even if only a marginal believed in freedom of choice, that right should be sheltered from the tyranny of the majority.

  • Abortion escalates the risk of breast cancer:

Scientific studies prove there is no linkage between abortion and steeper rates of breast cancer. This is being concluded by the major health organizations in North America as well as the Canadian Cancer Society.

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