Why You Should Speak up and Share Abortion Stories

The recent hashtag event on Twitter took abortion to a trend which is a rare case on any social media platform. Some of the Hollywood and other renown celebrities spoke of their abortion stories on social media. This has reportedly helped many women feel better and not alone in the chaos created by society. Be it medical abortion or surgical abortion, the process of terminating an unplanned pregnancy is indeed difficult for any woman. The reason why abortion is always done in hush-hush is due to society’s perception.

This blog talks about why talking about abortion is necessary. Following are some of the reasons which explain why you should be open about the abortion procedure and speak up in public.

Posted in abortion pills, During Abortion Care | Tagged abortion pills, Abortion stories, Emotional Support, medical abortion, mtp kit online, pregnancy termination, Share Abortion News

Supporting your partner during a medical abortion

Ending an unintended pregnancy is never an easy decision for women. Although the process of medical abortion is uncomplicated, a woman requires support from her close pals. Supporting her makes her feel stronger and positive throughout the process of medical pregnancy termination. It’s the best stress buster than the medications given along with the abortion pills. However, people still do not understand how the support can be given to a female undergoing a medical abortion.

First of all, understand that pregnancy termination can be necessary but a bitter decision for a woman. If you come across such a woman, here are some tips for helping and supporting her.

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Posted in abortion pills, During Abortion Care, womens Health | Tagged buy abortion pill online, buy abortion pills, buy Ovral G, contraceptive pill, medical abortion