5 Breast-Feeding Tips to Help New Moms!

5 Breast-Feeding Tips to Help New Moms!Becoming a mother is a transforming moment for all women and while you become a new mom, you also have to take on the responsibility of breast-feeding. Following the exhaustive birthing and labor procedure, you will be asked to breastfeed your baby, the first few drops that will help the baby nourish and stay healthy/ strong.

Breastfeeding during the initial days can be quite challenging for many. Although it is of the most natural way to nourish a child, it may be tricky for some to adapt to.

Professionals advice is in favor of nursing your child for at least a year and in the initial week, the task is almost as new to you as it is for your infant.

While you are learning how to be aware of your baby’s needs, it can be overwhelming knowing how to keep your child’s appetite fulfilled.  Even though it may seem difficult, it is important to at least try breast feeding, even if you only try it for a few days or weeks.

The early milk, called colostrum gives the baby an important source of antibodies to protect against diseases, as the infant’s own immune system develops during the first year.

Here are 5 tips to simplify breast feeding when it gets challenging – 

  • Learning how to breast-feed

Breastfeeding is a learned process, therefore you will get a hang of it as you continue. Sometimes women cannot milk for a few days, which might be because the baby did not latch on properly or the mother herself is having lactation-related issues.

  • Study breast feeding from an earlier stage

Just how last minute cramming doesn’t get us anywhere in exams, same applies to the knowledge about breastfeeding. The earlier you educate yourself the better. While you are pregnant, talk to the pregnancy care clinic on how you can make your breast milk healthy for the baby.

Naturally the milk is appropriate for the baby, however if you fell ill just before or in-between the delivery, or had some health complications, the quality of milk will be affected.

Furthermore, learning how to help your baby properly latch on will make you feel more prepared for when the time comes.

  • Assistance for lactation consultant

After delivery you may be tired and wish to find out how to go on about breastfeeding after when you are able to do so. Therefore, in advance, you can ask a specialist, i.e. a lactation consultant who can give you quick health tips about nursing.

  • Don’t delay on breast feeding

It is natural for a new mother to have hordes of visitors to enquire about the baby and mother’s health. Even though it may overwhelm the mother, she must take time for herself and the baby and prepare a fixed schedule for the baby’s feeding.

  • Read other mom’s experience

We can learn and get to know the maximum knowledge from other mothers who have done breast feeding. You can take tips from your own mom or you even use online sources such as blogs and articles for information. Of course other’s advice should not be considered as equivalent to a doctor’s recommendation.

This entry was posted in womens Health and tagged breastfeed process, breastfeeding .