No Period after Pregnancy Termination

pregnancy termination

A pregnancy termination takes place when a pregnancy is abruptly aborted, with or without interference. Whatever the cause, a pregnancy termination results into an interruption of the pregnancy’s normal hormonal processes, which could cause a delay in your usual menstrual cycle. Among few females, no period after the pregnancy termination could take place.

 Is no period after abortion a concern?

Hormonal ovulation and pattern can return to normal after a pregnancy termination. However the time can differ. This is affected by the hormonal variations in every female and the stage of pregnancy when an abortion takes place. If you undergo pregnancy termination through abortion pills during first trimester, you may expect your period to return in about 4-10 weeks.  Generally, if you have no period after 10 weeks, it is recommendable to see a physician.

One reason you might skip menstruation for many weeks is that your body still contains some pregnancy hormones although the abortion procedure is completed. Such hormones leads your body in suppressing ovulation, therefore it is possible that you will have delayed menstruation.

Moreover, a pregnancy termination can result in an increase in stress levels that can as well affect your hormonal balance, resulting into changes in your menstrual period. This can continue even if the effects of your pregnancy and abortion have decreased.

Does no period mean a new pregnancy or a failed abortion?

Some females may wonder that if they do not have menstruation after abortion, it may be a sign of an unsuccessful abortion or again becoming pregnant. You can get the ultrasound done to make sure the abortion is completed.  You may take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant again. Although, you may get positive results for the first few weeks as it takes time for your body to absorb the pregnancy hormones.

To know if you may be pregnant again, get two home pregnancy tests. Get your urine checked about one week after you think you may have conceived and take another test one week later.

Tips for better recovery after abortion:

Proper care and good recovery may help the problem of no period after pregnancy termination. Follow these tips:

  • Monitor your bleeding by utilizing maxi pads after a pregnancy termination. Consult your physician if you have heavy bleeding.
  • Check the temperature of your body everyday for the first week after an abortion. A fever may be a symptom, which an infection has developed. You can give a call to your doctor if the temperature of your body is higher than 100.4°
  • Do not use tampons for 4-8 weeks.
  • Do not have intercourse, douching, or putting anything in your vagina for 2 weeks after your pregnancy termination.
  • Do not take tub baths or go swimming for 2 weeks. Rather than take a shower.
  • Do not take aspirin, alcohol, or marijuana that may cause heavy bleeding.
  • Do not aerobics, heavy lifting, running or any strenuous exercise for 2 weeks.
  • Take prescribed medicines as your physician has instructed you.
  • Avoid working for a few days.
  • Drink a lot of water or fluids.
  • Ask your physician about future pregnancies and contraceptives.
  • A pregnancy termination can cause sadness, guilt, or grief. Speak with a friend, family member, a counselor, or a health professional for support.
This entry was posted in abortion pills, womens Health and tagged pregnancy termination, recovery after abortion .